Triton Ferguson Model Tractor, ca.

worked together with a company named 'Triton', in de 50ties. This company put the
Tractors together and boxed them for LEGO. Triton also made her own parts, like
a transport-item and a plough. We have also found a cultivator from the brand
'Hanse' witch seems a copy form the LEGO cultivator. We don't know if it is a
illegal copy or, like Triton, a licensed copy. We know BILOfix, the wood
division of LEGO, was renamed HanseTec, so it seems like a legal copy to us, but
we aren't sure.
Triton was a very
small factory (oneman) and only 1 or 2 machines
make toys on. They did business
together with LEGO and were allowed to produce the LEGO tractor
but without the LEGO
name on
it. So the tractors from Triton
are without any name on it. There is only name on
the box. Then they made the
plough and the coltivator as LEGO and their own milkcarrige
wood as LEGO but of plastic).

tractor accessoiries:

The colour case is from the
German factory BASF who delivered plastic to the Triton Factory.