Buildingsets |
001 Gears, 43 elements,
1965 |
002 Motor Pack,
1965 |
003 Master Mechanic
Set, 418 elements, 1966 |
004, Master Builder
Set, 670 elements, 1966 |
005, Discovery Set,
328 elements, 1968 |
021, Wheel Set, 185
elements, 1966 |
022, Doll furniture, |
041, Pre School Set |
042 Pre-school set |
044, Jumbo Bricks |
060, Jumbo Brick
Schoolset |
066, Govenor Set |
078, Raodway Base
plate, 1970 |
080, Ambassador
Set, 562 elements, 1968 |
088, Basic Set, 88 elements,
1975 |
099, Basic Set, 99 elements |
101, Imagination
Beginner Set 1, 290 elements |
102,102 Super Value
Set, 102 elements |
102, imagination
Basic Set 2, 426 elements |
103, Imagionation
Standard Set, 576 elements |
104, Imagination
Deluxe Set, 737 elements |
105, Beginner Set,
Jumbo Bricks |
105, Imagination
master Set, 917 elements |
107, Reversible
power unit |
120, Beginner set,
120 elements, 1966 |
125, Basic Set |
157, Four Car Auto
Transport Set |
166, Vehicle Extra
Parts Kit |
167, House and
Garden Extra Parts Kit |
205, Starter Set
205 elements, 1966 |
223, Adventure Set,
223 elements, 1968 |
244, Explorer Set,
244 elements |
246, LEGO Town Plan
Board, 1961 |
248, Town Plan
Board |
248, Gravel Factory
Set |
285, |
300, Jumbo Bricks |
310, Motorized
Trucks Set |
311, Remote Control
Car Set |
312, Remote Control
Supplement |
320, Two Engine
Plane, 123 elements |
322, Educational
Gear Set |
326, Suburban Set,
326 elements, 1966 |
343, Ferry |
346, Jumbo Jet |
348, Mini wheel car
and truck set |
363, Antique Car
Kit, 38 elements |
367, Mini Airport
and vehicles |
371, Motorized
Truck Set |
375, Deluxe Basic
Set, 375 elements, 1966 |
450, Deluxe
Building Set, 450 elements, 1966 |
501, Loveland
Carrying Case |
502, Deluxe Set
with Red Carry Case, 451 elements |
536, Designer Set,
536 elements, 1967 |
605, Wheel Toy |
610, Super Wheel
Toy |
615, Samsonite Gift
Set, 615 elements, 1966 |
702, Beginner Set,
94 elements, 1961 |
703, Basic Set, 126
elements, 1961 |
704, Master
Discovery Set, 704elements |
705, Basic Set |
708, Basic Set, 244
elements, 1961 |
710, Samsonite Tube |
711, Basic Set, 374
elements, 1961 |
717, Junior
Constructer, 520 elements, 1962 |
725, Town-Plan, 690
elements, 1961 |
801, Space Rocket |
802, Player Piano |
803, Seesaw |
804 Building Crane |
805, 3 Little
Indians |
806, Cowboy &
Pony |
835, Advanced
Builders Set, 565 elements, 1966 |
905, Doll Set |
1605, Wheel Toy |
1905, Doll Set |
Partssets |
045, 36 Assorted Basic Bricks |
049, Windows and doors and Trees and Bushes |
050, Lighting Device |
055, Trees and Bushes |
057, Large Wheels |
058, Small Wheels |
059, Bevelled Bricks |
061, Large base plates |
064, Large base plates |
065, Garage Door |
079, Giant base plate |
424, Curved Bricks |
425/1 Beams, Clear |
425/2 Beams, Assorted Colours |
426. Names, Numbers, Alphabet |
427, Base plates |
430, Trees, bushes, flags |
431, Garage door and ESSO Pumps |
432, Road Signs and Street lamps |